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Boisson de réception

Nos dégustations

Dégustations publiques, team-building, accompagnement dans le choix de vos vins, organisation de dégustations thématiques pour vos événements privés.

Organize your private events

Would you like to organize a tasting evening for your collaborators or friends? A big event awaits you and you don't know which wine to choose? Uva Libre is at your disposal for the organization of these events.


Several themes available: discover natural wine, sparkling wines or food and wine pairings. Do you have another theme idea? Let's talk about it !


Among friends

We offer tasting evenings or workshops during your events (birthday, retirement). These tastings are friendly and themed.

Choose a theme from our selection or let's chat to create a custom one.

During the event, we take care of everything (installation, animation, wines, glasses, etc.).

More information on the possible themes in our Shop.

Avis de nos clients

Salade et vin


We advise you in the choice of your spirits for your major events (wedding, baptism, retirement, etc.).

Tell us your preferences, your menus for a "food and wine" advice service, a theme.

We will be happy to offer you the best products and then we will put you in touch with the producers or take care of the order directly.


Avis de nos clients

similing équipe

For companies

We offer tastings for you and your employees in a third place or within your company. These friendly events will help create team cohesion while learning the workings of natural wine. ​ Contact us to choose the theme and tell us the number of participants.

Demander un devis

Our public events

  • Facebook - Gris Cercle
  • Instagram - Gris Cercle
  • Twitter - Gris Cercle

Chaque mois, nous proposons des dégustations ouvertes au public près de chez vous.

Quelque soit votre niveau de connaissance, vous pouvez y participer en vous inscrivant à la dégustation de vins de votre choix. Attention, places limitées.

Carafon à vin


30 Juin 2023

VinVin Schanze, Hamburg


Événements Dégustation de vins


19 décembre 2022

GlouGlou Pop-up Natural Wine Bar, Hamburg


Dégustation de vins


24 Février 2023

GlouGlou Pop-up Natural Wine Bar, Hamburg


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